School Services
Core functions of the School Services are to:
Design, improve, develop policies, procedures and administrative instructions for schools to operate more effectively allowing improved access and retentions of all students.
Lead the development, review and implementation of access strategies to ensure completion of schooling for all children from PPY to year 12.
Awareness of all education policies for schools and instructions relating to access, retention and management of schools.
Support strategies for school's leadership, accountability and management for improvement.
Leads development, publication, distribution and socialisation of schools Operation Manuals, teacher Planning Books, Student Attendance Registers and reporting forms.
Establishes annual schools calendar, school year, school holiday dates, hours of instructions.
Lead strategies, in collaboration with Education Authorities to support School Boards to function effectively.
Liaise with teacher PD unit who will coordinate the delivery of all required teacher PD.
Design, improve, develop policies, procedures and administrative instructions to schools relating to and impacting inclusivity - gender, students with disabilities, child protection etc.
Ensure implementation and operationalization of approved inclusion policy and practice in schools.
Liaise with PD unit who will coordinate the delivery of all required PD.
Community Education
Leads the changes for community run ECCE centres, coordination point for ECCE community run centers.
Develops strategy to re-engage school aged children in an attempt to get them back into schools , e.g Second Chance Education.
Focal point for Community education programs eg., Adult Literacy, READSI, etc.
Community Education
Facilitate the registration or licencing all schools and ECCE centres operating across the Solomon Islands.
Manages School Registration process, providing recommendations for Permament Secretary approval.
Establishes and manages process using approved standards.
Updates SIEMIS on all schools operating and those approved for registration.
Determines and publicises School Registration criteria (from School Standards)
Identifies school establishment needs for Primary and Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary schools, based on student projections and access strategis and approved plans.
Conducts process to register, deregister, close or amend registration of schools.
Assessment of schools applying for registration.
Maintains the official Register of Education Authorities.