Workshop for Form 5 Teachers
Workshop for Form 5 Teachers to Support the teaching for SBD tasks in 2016
Teachers of Form 5 students are invited to attend a workshop in Honiara during the April school holidays to understand and support the School-Based Assessment tasks for 2016. This is a non-compulsory workshop for anyone who has the opportunity or interest in attending.
Days: Wednesday 13 April – Thursday 14 April
Times: 9am start (starting on time so please be ready to start)
Venue: King George VI School hall
Provided: Teaching notes and resources for SBA tasks. Teaching notes will be sent to all schools regardless of participation at the workshop.
Presenter: Dr Marie Quinn, MEHRD Literacy Advisor
Participants bring all writing materials (pen, paper)
No funding is available, but a snack will be provided during the day.
How to book your place: Please inform your EA that you will attend by 11th April. The EA will inform MEHRD staff. Alternatively, you can inform Georgina Pita or Phyllis Puia