Reminder to all School principals, F6 Tutors & Coordinators
School principals,
Form 6 English teachers and
Form 6 Coordinators
Firstly, be informed that the ENGLISH CAT materials have been sent to you on Monday 7th March.
Do take note that the date for the administration of this task was moved to Friday 29th April and NOT 1st of April as initially planned.
Please consult the Due dates and IA calendar to verify this change in the dates.
Secondly, a reminder again to the schools which are yet to send in their school information, teacher details and enrolment lists to do
so quickly by end of this month. Your schools have been sent these forms to fill at the beginning of the year.
You must fill them with the requested details and send to NEAD in Honiara as soon as possible. If you do not access these forms, please inform NEAD office asap.
In addition, the English CAT is going to be conducted in April and the students must have their SPIN or identification numbers before
the task is administered. Therefore, you are advised to send the ENROLMENT LIST quickly for registration.
So far, NEAD has reeived enrolments from only 13 out of 42 schools.
Thirdly, please start to submit your subject Internal Assessment (IA) programs for final approval. Use the summary forms to note the
planned activities, ensuring that you give ample time to implement assessment activities by students. All IA programs are due on the 25 th March 2016.
Lastly, apologies for not conducting the IA induction and trainings as planned due to reasons beyond our capacity, however, in the
meantime, please just continue to check your emails and listen out on our weekly MEHRD SIBC programs for any updates on this subject.
Also note that the School Based IA training for this year will be targeting only the newly established F6 schools.
Thank you
John Liliu
SINF6SC Coordinator