ICT For Better Education

Published: Monday, 11 January 2016

Driven by MEHRD in conjunction with ICTSU and ADB the ICT4BE project seeks to drive the use of ICT to support management. administration, teaching and learning throughout the Education Sector. This project encompasses a number of key activites including the following:

Teaching and Learning

Tablet Computing in the Classroom

With the aim of promoting a student centred teaching and learning environment, a number of schools in Solomon Islands will be equipped with Tablet Computers and Digital learning materials to promote information literacy and drive student learning outcomes.

Digital Equipment in the School

The KioKit consists of a waterproof box, containing 40 tough tablet computers and small computer which stores all the learning materials and shares them with the students tablets using wireless data. The box also allows tablet to securely stored and charged and the end of each school day.

Expected Outcomes

By equipping teachers with the tools they need to provide student centered learning and drive student outcomes, we expect to see a number of positive outcomes including;

  • Improvement in student and teacher attendance
  • Changes in the pedagogy of teaching in the school
  • Increased engagement with the local community
  • Improved information literacy skills in students

Timeline and Location

The first phase of this teaching and learning project will from from 2016 - 2017 and will target five schools, in urban, remote and remote outer island island locations to understand the challenges and opportunities the tools can provide in resource poor environments. Following this the impact will be evaluated to plan for an expansion of these tools in schools.



Kalaka School - Savo Island 

Chris Cummin and Mrs. Cummins

MEHRD Trainer Chris Sakiri and School Principal Cummings and wife being trained how to use the KioKit.

Chris Sakiri Cummins

More training with Chris Sakiri for School Principal Cummings


MEHRD Trainer providing a demonstration on how to use the KioKit for Teachers @ Kalaka School

Nguvia School

Tabe School

Mr. Tabe, Mrs. Rose Paia and Peter Suiramo from Mehrd, Mr. Hamilton from Woodford international School.

Tabe Training

School principal discussing the challanges and opportunities for e-Learning 

Resources for Download

pdfKio Kit User Guide23.57 MB

pdfTeaching With the KioKit40.33 KB

pdfExample Lesson Plans for using Kio Kits94.46 KB

pdfLetter to Kio Kit school Leaders56.29 KB

pdfIntroduction to ICT School Policy.pdf140.06 KB 

pdfMeasuring Learning.pdf28.18 KB

pdfProjector Instructions.pdf86.06 KB